806-771-7722 info@groupnire.com
1011 Gilbert Dr. Lubbock, Texas

Tag: Cyber Attacks

2 posts

A word from our CEO:

Over the past few years cybersecurity has been taking front stage more and more often in all of our affairs. Lately new viruses and ransomware releases have plagued the world wide web resulting in some very serious infractions. The most recent attacks have brought more light to the role cybersecurity should play in our energy infrastructure. Read more

By Becky Klein

The blame game is in full swing in the aftermath of Texas’ severe ice storm. Between February 14th and the 19th, Texas experienced record-setting low temperatures for a sustained period. It is estimated that over 3 million customers lost electricity, not just for hours, but for days. During the course of that week, many people also were without water. Read more